Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cheats For Pokemon Light Platinum


About Roma and Gypsies

"Stop the islamization of Europe", a European network whose "sole aim is to ensure that Islam become the dominant political force in Europe '. September 11, 2007 (See Borghezio Lega Nord)
"risk war with Islam " If not we have enough liver to oppose Islamo-fascist ideology now, tomorrow we will face a third war World "E'l'opinione expressed by Gen. American John Abizaid (Source: Free 19/11/2006)
Muslims call for the withdrawal of English Asturias Prize to political scientist Sartori
Political scientist had proposed to apply a principle in Europe are already in force in the U.S.: the revocation of citizenship for immigrants who do not integrate in the countries in which they settle .
Sartori: "Am I wrong in saying that Islamic immigration is for us is the most" distant ", as" foreign "and therefore more difficult to integrate? (Source: Free of 02/14/2007) ----------

The collectors can be driven by obsessive compulsive traits or states . (Order accuracy, inventory, details. Spasmodic desire to do, to think, to gather, to be). Satisfy the desire brings relief and pleasure. Impede the momentum causes sorrow and stress.
Dear Diary I want to cultivate the pleasure of the collector, I want to do it my way, I do not want to collect butterflies, he watches, but it postcards: I want to gather facts, news, trivia, chronicles shiny and pungent, hello Torio
I want to start your collection with excerpts taken from a 'Marcello Veneziano article published on the 11/16/2006 Free.
The article begins with the title MY ominous. Many times I found myself having to address "the magic, the divine" to be able defend, or at least give the illusion of being able to obtain justice for serious injuries, theft, bullying, cheating conceded: I did always in my heart, in secret, read the article by the Venetians who writes the bad luck, the "you well ... "published in a major newspaper I re-enable" the central engine. " Revenge and forgiveness are the most human qualities that may exist, but we need both, otherwise the reality hangs on one side and eventually ends up off the street.
" I wish with all my heart that their mothers are assaulted, robbed and raped by the thousands of criminals who have bailed out with a pardon. I wish with all the heart that their daughters, perhaps lesbian, so enjoy the benefits coming for unmarried couples, are raped by illegal immigrants or reunited with their families, g hanks to the law of the Prodi government. I wish with all my heart that their brothers and sisters lose their jobs to Chinese competition, promoted in Italy by the Prodi-D'Alema duo .... "
" I propose to ban the entry of mothers with children because they can disturb the single, homo and infertile couples. "
"I offer to walk with a stick to put everyone at ease the handicapped ..."
"If you think about family, home, at work receive blows, if you think the canes, tax evasion, the vice will be protected ... .. "(Source: Available 11/16/2006)


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