Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Walgreen Glucose Urine Test

precondition for more transparency courage

Brixen-large crowds the event yesterday was the Greens civil list / AlternativaEcosociale, transparency and cronyism "in which the Rechtsandwältinund business consultant and former candidate for the European Open, DDr.Renate iron wood before a highly appreciative audience Brixen spoke of citizens and citizens. The evening was moderated vomGBL / AES candidates and the Greens staff Andreas Pichler. has
DieGastgeberin and mayor candidate of the GBL / AES, Elda Letrari Cimadom gabeingangs commonly asked an overview of the events of the last legislature, in which dieStadtregierung individual interests before the interests of the repeated. Sun Letrari Cimadom walked beside the affair and Stockner demVertragsurbanistik deal about the Raika on the events at MillanderPlatschweg and within the "Circolo S. Erardo" field.
"The green citizen list has uncovered many other deals were not even inBetracht because we were there. This fills us with pride, the same contract of importance but also the responsibility to make it better, which we assume would be happy, "said Letrari Cimadom.
Anhanddieser examples showed Renate wood iron on then, that the systemic South Tyrol is still there, even if it weakens. "But as long as some people who have already been nibbled by the system, or plan to do it yet, interested to get this" was not a radical change possible, wooden iron.
Diepominente officer found clear words to privately organized public companies, land speculation, Rule of law, Medienim country and the promotion policy of the South Tyrol.
"In denGemeinden it should be easier to work transparently, because you can easily get an overview," said Wood Iron addressed Aufdi question of whether it was possible to create transparency at community level.
also Wiesholz iron on the problem of a frequent lack end-democratic consciousness through ". Equally important to choose how and be elected should be the possibility, politicians opt out" with this awareness, it would lack in South Tyrol, however, the wooden train on.
said ZurDemokratie iron wood in the country that have moral courage but also dasBewusstsein gain strength over the value of their own voice to make the country more democratic and open. soHolzeisen "instruments such as direct democracy offer this good chance to mobilize the citizens". These are mainly the environmental and social groups demand because these solutions for the entire population shows. "To continue to be more transparent reference point a, these lists need to expand existing business expertise insertion and then convince them to continue" an appeal star ended wooden iron in the direction the two present-mayor candidates Elda Letrari Cimadom (Brixen) and Cristina Kury (Merano).
were then demPublikum For questions about taxation, Causa Egar, jurisdiction, the Milkon affair, national societies, culture, etc. inSüdtirol responded to the iron wood Renate competent and well-founded.
were rounded off the evening with musical performances of the GBL / AES candidate MargotFederspieler Linter on the grand piano.
Einladungzur press conference of the Green Citizens' List Brix n DieGrüne Bürgerliste Brixen invites to a press conference on Tuesday, 27.April2010 by 11 clock on "House of solidarity and village in the village: non-transparent story" The press conference will be in Milland desHauses below instead of solidarity.
Invitoalla conferenza stampa della lista Alternativa EcoSocial Bressanone La invita ad una listaAlternativa EcoSocial Bressanone conferenza stampa martedì ore 11 dal titolo 27aprile all: "Casa della Solidarietà and urban design "Dorf im Dorf": a story little transparency? "aMillan The press conference will be held near the House of Solidarity.

AlsRechtsanwältin and business and tax consultant and Lehrbeauftragtefür Italian tax law at the University of Innsbruck has DDr. renate wood iron already made a name. Since its candidacy for dieEuropawahlen on the list of the Open a year ago now is renate wood iron as a counter player of the Alto Adige system now all well known.
On 26/04/2010 Renate Wood Blade for the Green Citizens list is about keeping einImpulsreferat "transparency or cronyism" mitanschließender discussion. Venue Cusanus Akademie ist die , Beginn: 20:00 Uhr .
sindschon gespannt auf die Wir Hoffen auf rege Teilnahme und Ausführungen derBevölkerung. ---
Comeavvocatessa and accountant, lawyer. Ssa Renate Holzeisen giàconosciutoa is now. After his candidacy for the European elections on the list deiVerdi in 2009, it is difficult to speak of the system without Tyrol fareriferimento to its surveys and its battles against patronage.
So we are glad to invite you to Cusanus, Monday, 26.04.2010 where represented. Holzeisen ssa will speak on: Trasparenzao cronyism? Start: at 20:00
We will wait and Elda LetrariCimadom s candidate for the Alternative List ecosocialism.

Banner Photo: © Leonhard Angerer


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