Sunday, September 10, 2006

How Does The Biasi Boiler Work

From (Corriere della Sera of 01/02/2007) p.23
nchiesta The two undercover journalists from Sky TG24 (which airs today at 22.35 on Sky TG24 02/01/2007)
From Viale Jenner in Centocelle: Ahallah want the full veil.
Journalists (gold medal of merit. Ndr) have ventured into some hot mosques of Milan, Varese, Rome. Imam Abu Imad, not knowing the hidden camera reveals with greater confidence, strategy, Islamic conquest of our country: "We
their democracy is convenient, it is useful to us as a community and as individuals. In truth the land of Muslims, if we are Muslims, we must let us govern by Sharia. We have the means to reach the sharia of Allah be free elections or the exercise of power. Let's say that the Muslims of Italy agree to establish Sharia law. And then Italy will become an Islamic state "...
He adds:" See where the left is stronger in Liguria and Emilia we are better ... ...

On 15 January an investigation like this had aired on Shannel 4, broadcaster of the United Kingdom ... to the Imams from across the Channel had been snatched phrases ... even more alarming: one of them said English should be the responsibility of the Islamic "dismantle" British democracy, living "as a state within of a state "until they are" strong enough to take power. "
Great news from newspapers and TV
(which translated means)
In Italy more successful invaders

In the last hours in the newspapers that I read another 700 illegal (equal to a small town) have won the land of Sicily. These figures are not calculated all those who arrive by train bus bike.

Whole quattrotto territories and four are occupied by them, the Italians are forced to evict residents from their homes, their shops, their work (such as across the area Piazza Vittorio in Rome. Yet the rulers of the country and paragovernanti (conniving) distract intratteggono the people with the game, the White Night, the vacanzetta the feetness effortlessly.
Sorry maybe I'm crazy.


Alert Viminale E 'unacceptable spread of mosques in Italy with the money of foreign countries there is something that I do not like: I want to understand who is funding and what in my country (G. Amato)
(free source of 01/06/2007)
Daniela Santanche welcomes the "sortie" beloved on the Islamic question. But he insists the delay by the Italian institutions and political move, downplaying the risks and the dangers of "Islamization " forced stages to which our country could suffer. ... "(Source of Available 06/01/2007)

In Italy they have settled a million Muslims from 1995 to 2005. (Caritas)
They installed 160 places of worship UCOII directly related, then there would be 612 combinations with prayer space annesso.nel 2002 there were 133 places of worship other than official segnalari and not checked for a total of at least 350 sites.
On the internet you can find 400 references to places of worship or contact information for Imam (free source of 01/06/2007)


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