Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soft Cervix 5 Days Before Period



(post is an bit 'long, but if you have five minutidi time and the topic you are interested ...)

In this installment of the saga small 'The Art of favor' (click on the tag for the others), I would like to tell you about repartee in the press on the subject of this 'favor', the young and promising artist Hannes Vonmetz (with the addition of Schiano the exhibition at Galleria Civica in Bressanone, but as recorded in the Registry? Family names are worn as clothing according to the occasion?).
Keep in mind that 'they' have dell'AltoAdige pages as you like, you do interviews with the photos, there are journalists who were chasing them as the star, I can answer letters only if they are not censored because it was too long, perhaps publish, when and if they want. Santa instead has this weapon and uses it, and how if you use it!

The 18 marzo2010 is published interview with the lovely photo above where start glissaresui favoritism and to try to divert attention to the quality we artistiche.Proprio me pull the hair. I have never publicly criticized the young artistic lecapacità Vonmetz because I just wanted denunciareesclusivamente favoritism. I have my opinion, of course, but I have always held for me and my friends.
Unfortunately, since only nell'articolobattono the nail on this, I was forced to get off sulcampo who chose them. The day of 18 March was never fattasparire archive online, while those of 17 ( press conference ), 19 (Article 'Bova attacks Stablum ': no \u200b\u200bpatronage ) and 20 ( figures allocated in favor delleassociazioni ) not to sonotrovate months, and have reappeared after I submitted the complaint to Attorney (an allusion not only unriferimento time).

Take note alledate below:

1 st April2009 : Alex Pergher inComitato leads its list of artists for 2010 Hannes Vonmetz among others, of course (as we say later) perceiving the qualities that make it tobe included in the list.

18-25 July2009: Soprabolzano, Renon: The ARTEOLTRE THE 2000 , conference diAchille Bonito Oliva, fee € 450/550, stay excluded. Daily Peril Alto Adige is present throughout the duration of the Seminar GeorgVonmetz retired journalist, with his trailer. The Family critical pass pleasant evenings together with the journalist and, in the afternoon free of classes and lafine after the seminar, accompanied by these , visit sites and monuments of South Tyrol, including ilMuseo Diocese of Brixen.

28 July2009: South Tyrol, p.. 36, Article "Achilles Bonito Oliva: "One challenge I see a fertile Museion Mart ' " report on the visit to the Museion which reads from the frasepronunciata critical "But here I see quasisolo photographs. Missing painting. Look, there are some good South Tyrolean giovanipittori working in Berlin and Düsseldorf, " .

Hannes Vonmetz works in Düsseldorf ...

Alex, Alex, TIFAI hurt if you write the dictation of a father blinded by rage! Ilquale dad (who happened to appear there by accident, at the end of the interview ...) Hamesse you hand in a double-edged ...

fact, the March 28, 2010, here is the arrampicatasugli mirrors. Published on Altoadige course, probably written aquattro hands, certainly overflowing style and elegance:

convienesezionarla and respond by topic:

"in 2003 ... was critical in announcing the ... Pierluigi Siena, which nescrisse several times with enthusiasm on this newspaper
Another posthumous notiziache provides credentials. Even after we are given, and not before cheHannes Vonmetz was added to the list of 'guests' to expose allaCivica. And 'no doubt that the surname' Scott ', so why not evidenziarein that occasion the great curriculum for those who dismiss credofossero legitimate suspicions of nepotism? If the answer is that there is, as American, 'it was not necessary', it is sad ... It would be nice to read those to understand who is scrittisu Altoadige ilgiornalista who collected the opinions of a large 91 years old, pochimesi before his death in mourning for artists, critics, journalists and friends, who had resigned as manager of two anniprima Museion in Bolzano, when he was 89.

... for a famous gallery of his works are already Düsseldorf statepresentate ... "
That works in cuiHannes Vonmetz?

"... it has been proposed by me ... a few months before he was discovered and reported by Achille Bonito Oliva celebrecritico just shows that I been right ... "
Here is ilbello. I do not know if he 'was right', but it certainly sparked the latest Laluce. In 2008 il'talent scout ', to illustrate shared his future plans, according luilo made the best candidate to lead the City Gallery, presented a list di'papabili 'for years to come, with more or less illustrious names, but sure this reported that of' discovery 'Hannes Vonmetz. So many names for 2009, 2010, and "interesting projects planned for the planning of next years exhibition degliappuntamenti . Everything, even pococonosciuti names, collective design, hyperrealists, engravers ... but there HannesVonmetz. Quella'dichiarazione Copy of intent '(unsigned) I got from Circle S. Erard, chel'ha received by the City.
On 1 April 2009 what would become a chrysalis butterfly was also Pergher. Menoche A had not decided consciously not to play the card of 'hot' finoall'ultimo. More probabilmentequalcuno him 'suggested' the inclusion of the name. Pergher troppoa too many people here must be able to flaunt independently eresponsabilità ...

"... neither of the two characteristics can be attributed to Mrs. Lomeihing nellasua artist's identity"
Fall distillation. Fortunately did not fall from very high up ... He spoke of ' young and promising artists local '. Esclusoper obvious reasons, the geographical connotation of belonging, it seems old gave to accuse me (but fortunately only in my 'artistic identity') and nonpromettente. I have to propriopensare a facelift! I also have the big toe (Artist) worth, if puòservire .... As all'altroconnotato, well, I guess I'm the age now where you have stop making promises, and that semmaidimostrare those made at the time were maintained.
The COSEC make him write the law? But you want to know why they could not go in the trial piùpesanti 'artistic' to me? There are around two or three recensionilusinghiere about my work appeared in South Tyrol signed (look look) GeorgVonmetz Schiano, and pay (certainly at least one) from Circle ArtisticoS. Erard. ...
".... I doubt even his experience and expertise critical (plus summer and hopeless unanimously called by the same club ArtisticoS.Erardo ...)"
Own goal. Lacompetenza me has been recognized since 1978 with a degree in Pitturaconseguita at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, to assert that chepuò. It 'true that in some ways the qualities needed to esserebuoni sellers of used cars and good pictures of the merchants are the same: we must know the market, not the product. In this Pergher èindubbiamente top, has experience and knows it productively. Vederequanto this would need for a Municipal Gallery not for profit, and where money to manage it (what would be the so-called 'business risk' Perun private gallery) are unstitched from the city.
But what Evere detector and the ' "plus" that seeks to create a malicious link between this miaasserita lack of critical competence and confidence that I would statamanifestata unanimously by S. Erard, and instead only serves to confirm how everyone is worried about tenersibordone. For the modest sum of at least € 70,000 per annum borne by the community. Having said that 'unanimous' perchépuzzano are suspicious of the regime, I do not know if I should really worry that it was trovataunanimità diartisti in this enclave, and certainly there will be the Directors, and jugglers, cheaters, clowns and suffragette, who also I do not seem to be missing, with the exchange of best diruolo circus tradition. Perhaps there is reference to the phrase miacompetenza: " The Circle S. Erardoprecisa that the contents of the letter from Ms Lomeihing (the accuserivolte its President and other members of the Executive) is a attoinaccettabile, based on lies with no foundation. With this comportamentola Ms Lomeihing has, among other things, destroyed the trust reciprocacon the leadership work of the Association " ? This hannoscritto and signed unanimously (Excluding Manfred Mureda Christine Matha and that sucks, jade had resigned. With me, three out of eight members: the unanimity that was at least rimastaè skinny, or not?).

The 25 gennaio2010 , in a letter sent to Mayor Pürgstaller eall'assessore Stablum (both advisors to the culture of their own language) with the subject "Issues regarding the Management Committee of Civic NuovaGalleria, the Artistic Circle S. Erard and delegated by quest'ultimonel first " had written, among other things:
... Poichénelle meetings I attended the Committee has discussed only dinomi lists, perhaps that is where we must start to find inspiration for 'cues-reflecting' internal and external to the two bodies, the nature of the relationship di'collaborazione ', to endurance pressures, internal and external aidue Bodies, choices and fairness in daquelli divergent private interests of the new Civic Gallery, internal or external to the two bodies ....

Nessunarisposta. Then someone complained that I did a press conference ...

Greeting gliamici the blog, which I know are still few. I do not have a newspaper. But I pazienza.Sono China. And Yu Kung removed Lamontagne.
Let me know, please comment below. And, as he says Travaglio, spread the word.


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